Solar Dual Pumping Systems Commissioned at Rairangpur District, Odisha

  • Client: Another Customer
  • Location: Rairangpur
  • Surface Area: 120000 m2
  • Year Complete: 2016
  • Value: $50000
  • Supervising Engineer: XXXXXXXX

The Solar Dual Pumping Systems at Rairangpur District stand as a testament to innovative solar solutions. This project involves the commissioning of dual pumping systems powered entirely by solar energy, providing sustainable and efficient water supply solutions to the Rairangpur District

Costumers Wishes

The client’s vision was clear: to establish a reliable and eco-friendly water supply system for the district. Their specific request was the utilization of solar power to ensure uninterrupted water pumping, reducing dependency on traditional energy sources and contributing to environmental conservation efforts.

Finishing Process

The finishing process involved the meticulous installation of solar panels, coupled with advanced pumping technology, to create a seamless and efficient water supply network. Rigorous testing and optimization were performed to ensure the dual pumping systems functioned flawlessly, meeting the client’s expectations and fulfilling the district’s water needs sustainably.